
Jazzity – Your pocket guide to jazz in Berlin.

What’s the idea

Jazzity is your pocket guide to jazz in Berlin. Jazzity not only gives you an overview of the jazz clubs in Berlin, it also aggregates the programmes from the clubs’ websites and makes them accessible in an easy and convenient way.

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  • Data extraction: Scrapy, Python, Scrapinghub
  • Data transformation, storage & retrieval: MySQL, PHP, Python
  • Website: Bootstrap
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NaviChat – der Chatbot für die Fahrplanauskunft im ÖPNV.

What’s the idea

NaviChat ist die mobile Fahrplanauskunft im Facebook Messenger. Einfach NaviChat anschreiben und fragen, wie du von A nach B kommst.

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  • Navigation: Google Directions API, Google Places API
  • Chatbot logic: Chatfuel
  • Website: Bootstrap
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Gefaellt-mir – Teilen macht Freude

What’s the idea

Gefaellt-mir.org and the corresponding Facebook page is a project exploring the murky waters of Buzzfeed, Upworthy et al. The basic idea is to create a massive audience on the Facebook site, then link to the website and profit from people clicking on the ads.

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  • Ads: Facebook Ads Manager
  • Analytics: Google Analytics
  • Website: WordPress
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