Deezer UK today pulled quite a trick today: They got about 2,000 (from 499,508 to 501,503) likes in less than 12h.
So here’s what happened: this morning Dezzer tweeted to their 3,200 followers (@DeezerWorld (2,574 followers), @deezeruk (549 followers), @DeezerIRL (95 followers), but not by @deezer with 271,709 followers)
#Deezer is currently at 499,508 likes on Facebook. Go on, help us reach a half a million milestone. (→)
The 500,000 was reached in 3 hours or so, and they announced
BOOM! 500,000 likes on our Facebook page. THANK YOU! We’re listening to this in celebration… Treats to come….(→)
and then a bit later
10 promo codes for free 1 Year Deezer Premium+ will be posted on our Facebook page soon. Be quick to get yours! (→)
As a result, about 2,000 people liked Deezer on Facebook, which is quite impressive with that few followers. It either implies that there was very little overlap between Deezer’s Twitter followers and Facebook followers, or that a fair bit of word-of-mouth was involved.
So what’s the big take away here? One definitely is: if you want something, asking certainly helps. At a price of GBP 120 at a margin of say 30% that’s cost of GBP 84, or 4.2p per follower. Good price I’d say (which reminds me: How do you estimate the value of a Like? There must be research on this…).
As a bonus bit of good marketing, by the way, they didn’t give away all 10 promo code at once, but later announced:
We’re about to post first of 10 promo codes on FB for 1 year’s free Deezer Premium+ (worth £120 each) (→)
Cheeky buggers. But you can’t really be mad – it’s still 10 free Premium+ promo codes…