Since Chatbots are the so hot right now, I decided to have another go with Chatfuel and build what the world will remember as … the Navibot, the world’s first chat-based navigation bot! Then, however, I typed that into Google and found out that Samsung already has a vacuum cleaner called NaviBot, which doesn’t even navigate. Lame.
Anyway. I then decided to build what the world will remember as NaviChat, the world’s first chat-based navigation bot.
That is probably not true, but anyway, my main mission was to play around a bit with the Google Directions API and the Google Places API and see what they can do in terms of navigating the public transport network.
Give it a try by going to on your mobile with Facebook Messenger installed.
Both the Google Directions API and the Google Places API are part of the Google Maps Platform, which in turn is part of the Google Coud Platform.
(to be continued)